
"Crypto" is a commonly used abbreviation for "cryptocurrency." Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security.

All Symbols

All Symbols Data

GET {{BASE_NODE_URL}}/dashboard/all-symbols

Crypto symbols are shorthand representations of cryptocurrencies used for trading, tracking, and identifying specific digital assets within the cryptocurrency market.

    "status_code": "Integer", // 1
    "status_text": "String", // Success
    "message": "String",

Crypto List

Crypto List

GET {{BASE_NODE_URL}}/list-crypto/get

Here is a list of some cryptocurrencies along with their symbols (ticker symbols):

    "status_code": "Integer", // 1
    "status_text": "String", // Success
    "message": "String",

Crypto Chart Data

Crypto Chart Data

GET {{BASE_NODE_URL}}/chart?symbol=BTCUSDT&interval=30m

Crypto chart data refers to the historical price and trading volume information of cryptocurrencies over a specific period of time.

    "status_code": "Integer", // 1
    "status_text": "String", // Success
    "message": "String",

Bid And Ask Data

Bid And Ask Data

GET {{BASE_NODE_URL}}/list-crypto/market-data/BTCUSDT?limit=20

Bid Price : The bid price is the highest price that a buyer (or bidder) in the market is willing to pay to purchase a specific cryptocurrency. It represents the maximum price that someone is willing to pay to acquire the asset.

Ask Price : The ask price is the lowest price that a seller (or asker) in the market is willing to accept to sell a specific cryptocurrency. It represents the minimum price at which someone is willing to sell the asset.

    "status_code": "Integer", // 1
    "status_text": "String", // Success
    "message": "String",

Market Trade Data

Market Trade History Data

GET {{BASE_NODE_URL}}/list-crypto/trade-history/BTCUSDT?limit=50

Market trade data, often referred to simply as trade data, provides information about individual trades that have occurred in a financial market, including cryptocurrency markets.

    "status_code": "Integer", // 1
    "status_text": "String", // Success
    "message": "String",

Market Gainer Data

Market Gainer Data

GET {{BASE_NODE_URL}}/dashboard/market-gainers

Market gainer data refers to information about financial assets, such as stocks, cryptocurrencies, or commodities, that have experienced an increase in their prices or values over a specific time period.

    "status_code": "Integer", // 1
    "status_text": "String", // Success
    "message": "String",

Last updated